Medicare Counseling

Medicare can be very confusing. What is the difference between Original Medicare and a Medicare Advantage Plan? What are the benefits of an Advantage plan? How much will I pay out of pocket? There are so many plans and the amount of information can be overwhelming. 

We can help answer your questions and guide you through your options to make the best choice. We need a little information from you regarding your medications, the doctors you use, etc. and we can help you find the plan that best fits both your medical and financial situation.

There are several reasons to check your plan:

  1. Your plan may cost more next year
  2. Your plan may no longer cover all your medications
  3. Your plan may have put restrictions on some of your medications
  4. You may be taking different medications now
Man on Bedrest

Frank's Story:

Frank was very happy with his Cigna Medicare Advantage plan.  He had a severe health condition that left him bedfast.  He was not able to drive and he had a lot of medications.  Frank received a letter from Cigna so he called our office for help.  It turns out, Frank used Kroger pharmacy because they were the closest pharmacy to his home and they would deliver his medications so that worked out well!  Unfortunately, the letter was advising him that Cigna would no longer participate with Kroger pharmacy which meant he would have to either change pharmacies or switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan.  Luckily, we were able to help him switch to an alternate Medicare Advantage Plan and still have his medications delivered by Kroger pharmacy.  It also saved him some money by switching to a new, cheaper plan.  If he had not made any changes, he would not have been able to change plans for the full year and the total amount of his out-of-pocket drug expenses would have been over $48,000!

Community Resource Specialists offer objective and reliable information. There is no charge for this service.

Community Resource Specialists are available Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm. To schedule an appointment please call 866-981-2372 or email [email protected]